Obvious this classic wow gold
User rsgoldfastwq

Obvious this classic wow gold

New York, BailHongal, Karnataka, India Published date: October 17, 2019

Obvious this wow classic gold guy never even raided in Vanilla which is the reason why he thinks Tier 1 and 2 had 16 debuffs (Ion lied to you idiot) and that 1.12 rogues"2 shot everyone" off old videos against undergeared players, frequently in various spots, when a few individuals even had a PC that could record footage in 2004-2006. Meanwhile in 1.12 Reckoning paladins can one shot rogues (occurred to Payo on livestream). Druids are one of the best 1 v 1 courses (see StormX), ele shamans mess people (see Wrex) and hybrids are certainly not poor and they never were. The men and women who played them such as Mash were, while calling others"casuals". Perhaps you should have actually learned to perform that druid rather than blaming class design for why you failed. Then again that is why you remained on the course to get this built in justification is not it.

I'm a ele shaman primary btw and I respec to heal in raids and you? Are crap. Shamans need no buffs, elemental does NOT need to be viable and you are a HEAL hybrid. If you're a cure hybrid that never throws offheals or dispels in a BG, you are trash. No one wants to play you. If you don't want to learn to heal then do not play a heal hybrid. You know what? Don't play WoW Classic and don't play MMO's. Go drama that idiotic Anthem match or Destiny or the MMO YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR. Current WoW. You clowns destroyed WoW and now want to ruin it all over again.

Blizzard will feel free to go full casual retard but they will take a look at the retail figures fall, the churn will become unsustainable completely and they will learn in practice that so as to foster participant participation they'll HAVE TO come back to the old gameplay hardcore style. This will take one or two expansions then, propablly a cataclysmic kind of rework. (since fuck it... at that point why not a brand new engine) and we'll end up with a 1-60 incremental and almost level but slow like in vanila leveling rate. The previous raids will become applicable again since the rewards wont become useless the moment you jump over to 61 ( thing level rework to eliminate high jumps in power in between the expansions) and it'll take abouto 6 weeks for a casual to achieve end game. More when he doesnt rush, and he wont hurry because hurrying for 6 months is unsustainable for any individual which means they will be driven by the nature of WoW Classic to settle in for the long haul and get started enjoying WoW Classic as it was intended to be.

What I'm concerned about classic gold wow iswarriors, rogues and mages being elitist cunts, believing they're so good at WoW Classic if it's simply their class being more powerful than others. I am worried that they're likely to feel entitled to boss other players about and feel like they ought to be rewarded more. It happened back in the day, it'll happen again.I'm likely to play with a balance druid at WoW Classic because I am going to play

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