But this RS gold one appears
User Mocsky234
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But this RS gold one appears

Alaska, Car Nicobar, Gujarat, India Published date: January 17, 2020

Let's take a glimpse! Thanks to our mission in Anachronia we have received yet another round of funding. We can get on and do some Archaeology! Unfortunately we've had no end of nosy parkers writing in, trying for us to excavate their neighbour's farming patch or explore their bar basement. Rubbish!

But this one appears - like a true challenge. Everything began when we received a letter from these folks that were strange at the Temple of Ikov. They've found an odd, portal-like structure of aviansie layout, engraved with the phrase'Stormguard'. It seems that'Stormguard' refers to Stormguard Citadel, a fantastical floating fortress that was once home to the most brilliant of their aviansie inventors. Imagine what kind of technology those feathered fabricators were working on!

Unfortunately, at the height of the God Wars something terrible happened, and Stormguard Citadel was blasted leaving no known survivors. At any cost, we have to discover what precisely happened to reduce Armadyl's great laboratory to a pile of floating rubble -- and bring closure to the poor souls lost in the blast. It seems that if we opt to proceed with this excavation, then we will have to have an approach. If Stormguard Citadel is accessible at all, it'll be floating several miles over Gielinor -- and I doubt there will be a marked route to follow while we are there! Happily, I have a cunning plan.
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